Written by Matej Fandl on June 22, 2016
A short gallery showing how particles, artificial little creatures and a simulated ecosystem handled a little dog.
The history of our logo is quite long. While its present form was created 6 years ago, the drawing it is based on, is around 20 years old. The past month we devoted a couple of evenings and coffee breaks to giving it some fresh air by designing its dynamic version. Once finished, the logo alternatives will be used in our videos. We went through many ideas, trying almost all of them, and the screenshots and videos started to finally pile up. This article is followed by a short collection of stills we like, don’t want to lose and think are worth sharing.
Most of them were produced by particle systems or agent-based systems, with the exception of last two which were generated by this little ecosystem we are currently working on. It may be really challenging to spot a logo in some pictures down there. You can also find a video in the last frame. All was programmed in C++ using openFrameworks. If you have any questions, suggestions or just want to talk, please leave us a comment under the article!